Sunday, July 12, 2015

Directions without a goal lead nowhere

While at Football camp this past week, I heard a quote form our defensive coordinator that really stuck with me throughout the evening.  As I thought about this quote even more the next few days, I noticed that I was no longer thinking about the football aspect but rather as an educational aspect.  The quote which is,"Directions without a goal lead nowhere" comes from a football coach named Bill Yoast.  Coach Yoast is mostly know because he was the original coach of the football team in the the movie Remember the Titans.  Since coaching, Coach Yoast has provided many ideologies and philosophies about the psychological side of football.

Just like with sports teams, in education it is important to always provide a goal when asking for something to be accomplished.  As a teacher, I feel that my students would not really gain the knowledge of what I was expecting of them if I just asked them to do something without giving them a goal to reach.  This made me think about all of the projects that I created this semester with my grad classes.  For each project, the first thing that I did was figure out what the goal(s) would be for the assignment.  I think that this is very important when asking a young individual to accomplish something for you.  Provide them the reasoning for asking them to do what it is that you want accomplished.

Whether it is on the football field or it is in the classroom, my expectations for my students/athletes will always be goal oriented.  I have always like the students in class that ask why when I provide them with a task to accomplish.  This tells me that they really want to know and understand why they are about to do something.  Others usually just jump right into the task and when they are done they don't really understand what they just did.  How can I expect them to now remember this information a week or two later when it appears on the next assessment.  Always provide a goal and make it as clear as possible before allowing the individuals to attempt the task.

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