Sunday, July 5, 2015

1st ever podcast

Well, I just published my first ever podcast and by no means am I ready to be known as a professional pod caster.  I will be shocked if I am able to gain very many followers with my one and only podcast so far.  I ended up going with Audacity to create my mp3 file because of the ease of using Audacity.  I have messed around with Audacity before creating sound files and putting together music collections in the past so I felt semi comfortable with using it to create my file.  As for my host site for the podcast file, I choose to go with  Just like Audacity, I found it to be very user friendly and easy to upload my mp3 file.

While creating my podcast, I took the advice from my readings and I tried to prepare some notes to follow along with as I was recording.  As a rookie, I'm not sure if I made more work for myself or if I helped cut down on some of the work with the next step.  I found myself working in smaller sections less than a minute or two and then I would stop and edit that section before I started with the next section of material.  I thought about just pressing the record button and going until I felt like I covered what I wanted to cover and then going back through the whole file to edit, but I was afraid that would've taken me forever so I went with the smaller increments. At the end of the process I think I had around 22 clips for the whole process which ended up being just over 9 minutes long.  I can only image how many clips I would have if the podcast would be in the range of a half an hour to an hour in length.  I may have to train one of my daughters to be my chief editor and let them do all the slicing and dicing of the clips before publishing them.

the end, I am glad that I am experimenting with Podcasting and this is something that I plan on using next school year with my classes.  For anyone who would like to have a listen, you can find my podcast here:

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